Thursday, March 25, 2010


Alright, so x years since I contributed to my first blog, I have once again decided to venture out into the world of blogging - this time on my own. Welcome to those of you who have found my little corner of the internet! I am a recent college grad, working as a substitute at the local school district, and am looking for a full-time position. When I'm not spending my time wrangling students, I like to crochet, read, watch movies, take long walks on the beach ... wait, this isn't my E-Harmony profile. But seriously, I love to crochet a myriad of things for friends and family and I am quickly running out of space on my bookshelves because I keep buying new books.

Concerning these two great passions in my life, I have taken on two "challenges." The first one started one day in January when I wandered around my apartment and pulled out all the books I've either never read or started to read and then stopped. I then stacked them by my bed to read - the result was a stack that was close to two feet tall. Today I'm more than halfway through the original stack, but it's still standing at almost two feet. I have got to stop getting new books! The other is a list of 18 crochet projects for this Christmas. I've finished one and am getting close to finish the second. It's exactly 9 months until Christmas ... I can make it.

There's my background and what I'm focusing on in my free time. This blog will be about whatever I feel like writing, but to warn you, most posts will focus on teaching, books, and crocheting. I probably won't post every day but I won't (hopefully) go for months without writing. Until next time...

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